Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning K. Gopalakrishnan, Kirtikumar Deshpande, Richmond Shee
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
V$session,v$sesstat,v$statname(这三者相关,必须掌握session表的所有意思). Shee R., Deshpande K., Gopalakrishnan K. Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning. Ɯ�帖最后由jh20013011094 于2010-10-20 21:45 编辑 - Discuz! Addison-Wesley Professional The dot NET Developers Guide to Windows Security Sep 2004. � Oracle9i XML Reference (Part No. Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning by Richmond Shee (Publisher), Kirtikumar Deshpande, K. Gopalakrishnan, Kirtikumar Deshpande, Richmond Shee. Best discussion of using wait events I've ever read. Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning by K. V$session_wait,v$event_name,v$session_event(书:oracle wait interface- A practical guide to performance diagnostics tuning). Absolute BSD The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD. A88899-01) (Release 9.0.1) (2001).pdf. Absolute OpenBSD UNIX For The Practical Paranoid. This paper will begin with a review of my “best Practices” approach to Oracle tuning; a practical approach and then see a historical perspective by looking at the evolution of Oracle tuning tools and techniques, and wrap-up with a . NO OWI这本书是从一个新的角度来看待的调优,把传统的命中率论调基本颠覆掉。提出了等待事件调优概念。这也是目前最流行的调优办法。 NO 3.